(2) Chenoted hillside lots bordering up to the rear to forest reserve, future pond features and public road out front. Seven lots in total as to form our overall area. These two where modeled partly into forming a forest garden hill with water features and solid draining capacities. Standing directly opposite Prem and Premburi amid a premium project.
These two lots are on offer and could be aquired or subdivided in addition to and as to complement either Build1 (add number 296398) or and Build2 (add number 266544). In good standing the chenoted lots should be structured under a leasehold.
The forest aspect is the magic here, it beautifies and makes the feeling happen here like in a Park.
Perhaps ideally chenoted land on offer with the rearward forest parts under process, ultimately it’s all about choices and exercising the correct legality as it applies.
The hill is acts as a crucial and important drainage apparatus. As such the front retaining area of the hill was built up using footings at the base in support, much like you would on a house. A frame was constructed using the footings all the while incorporating the two garden squares within the slope as to beautify with flowers and vegetation with. Its center, cement slide and support as seen, could be made to be, as a stone or marble step like feature with water flowing down into the water tub system built in at the bottom. It comes out being monsoon proof as two rain seasons having passed have demonstrated. Stunning feature indeed as to achieve a feeling and a drainage functionality all incorporated into a solid system. The upper corners of the hill have been made to accommodate the decorative stone water pots at each end. The upper center part and edge is a drain to the grass area atop. The water is channeled off from the center as to flow thru PVC pipes along the sides into the receiving tub at the bottom.
I like to refer to this add as simply, The Hill'