"the house is rented" Tek Conley, Sat 8-02-2020
"thank you" Mo Trevithick, Mon 21-10-2019
"SOLD" Ray, Sat 3-08-2019
"thanks again the house is now rented with your help." Tek Conley, Mon 26-11-2018
"House is now rented." Marcel, Wed 18-04-2018
"thanks once again to baht sold great job thanks" Brian, Sat 7-04-2018
"Thank you for your help Baht & Sold" Scott, Thu 5-04-2018
"SOLD ON BAHTSOLD!!! Thank you!" Nick, Thu 5-04-2018
"Sold First day." Robin Holmes, Thu 5-04-2018
"excellent service sold in under a day." Robert Williamson, Thu 5-04-2018