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Oil painting collection from famous Swedish Painter Carl Lindberg

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Oil painting collection from famous Swedish Painter Carl Lindberg. Many abstract motives but also some sunny coastal paintings. about 25 paintings available.
Pieces vary in price from 10000-85000Baht.
The 5 of February 2017, the artist Carl Lindberg would have turned 100 years old. Carl was born in Lönsboda Sweden 1917 and was active as an artist from the late 1930s. In addition to the artistry, not least for the sake of livelihood, he also became a successful master painter. At the beginning of his artistic career, inspired among others by the artists in the Halmstad group, Carl painted often colourful, abstract and dreamlike motifs. The sun, sunlight and warmth always played a major role in Carl's life and during the last period of his career, from the end of the 80 century, the warm sunlight was the inspiration for the meticulous brush work in his paintings and he was then also epithet Solar painter.Carl had a dream of becoming 100 years. Unfortunately his dream was not realized, but he died 83 years old on 12 March in 2000 and is buried in the cemetery at Örkeneds Church in Lönsboda. Carl's dreamy coloristic and sun-warmed oeuvre, however, will always remain alive.
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Coastal Landscape! 6 Oil Paintings by Artist Carl Lindberg. BEST OFFER

Coastal Landscape! 6 Oil Paintings by Artist Carl Lindberg. BEST OFFER

  • 08 Jul 2024 : 10:58 am

Oil Panting Collection by Swedish Painter Carl Lindberg (1917-2000) “Coastal Landscapes “ Six one of a kind masterpieces by the artist. Medium Sizes varies approx. 25-29” x 25-29”. Contact for exact details. Masterpieces by famous Swedish painter Carl Lindberg. An outstanding painting. The 5 of February 2017, the artist Carl Lindberg would have turned 100 years old. Carl was born in Lönsboda Sweden 1917 and was active as an artist from the late 1930s. In addition to the artistry, not least for the sake of livelihood, he also became a successful master painter. At the beginning of his artistic career, inspired among others by the artists in the Halmstad group, Carl painted often colourful, abstract and dreamlike motifs. The sun, sunlight and warmth always played a major role in Carl's life and during the last period of his career, from the end of the 80 century, the warm sunlight was the inspiration for the meticulous brush work in his paintings and he was then also epithet Solar painter.Carl had a dream of becoming 100 years. Unfortunately his dream was not realized, but he died 83 years old on 12 March in 2000 and is buried in the cemetery at Örkeneds Church in Lönsboda. Carl's dreamy coloristic and sun-warmed oeuvre, however, will always remain alive.See his Facebook page at:Ç Thank you !
