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HD Breakout 2022

HD Breakout 2022

  • 19 Aug 2024 : 18:08 pm

2022 HD Breakout in excellent condition. No accidents, purchased and serviced by an official dealer. In addition to the bike, the new owner will get: • Vance & Hines Chrome 3” Eliminator, tuned with the V&H FP4 tuner, amazing juicy sound • Vance & Hines FP4 FuelPak Fuel Injection ECM Tuner (selling separately) • Vance & Hines Chrome air filter • BikeMaster Old School Tube Mirrors • Avon Air Cushion Smooth Grips • Heavy Duty Original HD XXL Outdoor Cover Giveaway for free original filter, mirrors, pipes (slip-ons), and V&H mini grenades Quiet Baffles (to make the exhaust sound quieter). All documents and the green book are ready for transfer. A small discount is possible and will be discussed in person.