Selbstschutz Digital

Selbstschutz Digital

  • 05 Oct 2024 : 18:35 pm

This book is intended for all users who have not yet practiced programming, but want to protect themselves like an insider, preferably with a private assistant. Learn what's going on behind the digital curtain and put a digital lock on it! Self-protection for your privacy, more important than ever! The E-book is in German language. Querdenken-Digital.de.cool 144 pages with 500 MB programs and apps €24.95 EUR Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle Anwender, welche noch keine Programmierung praktiziert haben, sich aber wie ein Insider schützen wollen, am besten mit einem privaten Assistenten. Lernen Sie was hinter dem digitalen Vorhang geschieht und schieben Sie einen digitalen Riegel vor! Selbstschutz für Ihre Privatsphäre, wichtiger wie nie! 144 Seiten mit 500 MB Programme und Apps €24,95.- EUR

Der zerstörte Traum vom Paradies

Der zerstörte Traum vom Paradies

  • 05 Oct 2024 : 18:35 pm

Dieses Buch beschreibt die Erfahrungen und die Erlebnisse, nach einer Auswanderung in das Land des Lächelns, vor vielen Jahren. Bei diesem Erlebnisbericht, handelt es sich um authentische Begebenheiten. Beinhaltet auch den download der Audiodatei, als MP3 des gesamten Buches zum anhören. Die Beispiele und das Leben dreier Freunde, die einst alles in Deutschland aufgaben, um dann im Land des Lächelns ihr Paradies zu finden. Es beschreibt ein mögliches Leben nach dem Auswandern Thailand, was auch zum Nachdenken anregen kann, um aufzuzeigen, daß dieses vermeintliche Paradies nicht für jeden zum erhofften Glück im sogenannten Land des Lächelns wird. Die komplette Berichterstattung und die Beschreibungen aus dem Land des Lächelns sind detailliert und direkt! Sie regen auch zum Schmunzeln an, im wesentlichen aus dem tatsächlichen Leben erörtert. Die Hinweise welche mit eingebracht wurden, können dem Leser eine gute Wissensbasis bieten.

Live better, escape the tribulation - Besser Leben!!

Live better, escape the tribulation - Besser Leben!!

  • 05 Oct 2024 : 18:34 pm

Live better, escape the tribulation - Besser Leben!! Welcome to your new life, here in Thailand, to make a new start much easier, if you have no experience with the country, the local language and the authorities. First and foremost, it is about supporting people who want to leave the already life-unfriendly system in Germany or Europe at a great distance. With over 35 years of practical life experience in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, this can save you the pitfalls, pitfalls and a lot of money. Willkommen in ihrem neuen Leben, hier in Thailand, um auch wesentlich leichter einen Neuanfang zu starten, sollten Sie noch keine Erfahrung mit dem Land, der Landessprache und den Behörden besitzen. Es geht in erster Linie darum, Menschen zu unterstützen, welche das schon lebensunfreundliche System in Deutschland, oder Europa mit einem grossen Abstand verlassen wollen. Mit über 35 Jahren praktischer Lebenserfahrungen in Südost Asien, speziell in Thailand, kann ihnen somit die Fallstricke, Tücken und Lerngelder ersparen. Besuchen Sie uns auf besserleben.de.cool oder komplex.bplaced.net um dazu mehr in Erfahrung bringen zu können.

Reflexology, Reflexzonen Massage

Reflexology, Reflexzonen Massage

  • 05 Oct 2024 : 18:34 pm

Reflex zones can be found all over the body. Our now stressful everyday situations and a busy job awaken the desire for a relaxing massage in many people. Furthermore, this can also favor a corresponding career choice. For example, you could work as a wellness masseur in SPA areas or health care. Of course, such training is also suitable for performing professional massages in a private environment. To give family and friends a deep relaxation, or relatives with health restrictions, with an adapted healing massage can be treated. People who suffer from back pain or muscular tension, for example, can feel a significant improvement after just a few applications. In addition, psychological ailments such as mood swings and mild depression can also be alleviated with reflexology. The effect of reflexology can also be supported by the use of heat, in the case of massage with tempered stones. By careful touching, or light pressure, the individual zones are addressed. If pain already occurs, this must be taken into account when massaging the foot reflex zones. It is also important that you find out whether and which health problems are present. Depending on the massage technique, the body regions are calmed or organs are specifically strengthened. Due to our daily strain on the legs and feet, a good foot reflexology therapy is balancing, relaxing and soothing in its effect. Die Reflexzonenmassage Reflexzonen lassen sich auf dem gesamten Körper finden. Unsere mittlerweile stressigen Alltagssituationen und ein arbeitsreicher Beruf wecken bei vielen Personen den Wunsch nach einer erholsamen Massage. Im weiteren kann dies auch eine entsprechende Berufswahl begünstigen. So könnten Sie als ein Wellnessmasseur in SPA- Bereichen, oder dem Gesundheitswesen tätig werden. Natürlich eignet sich eine derartige Ausbildung wiederum auch, um im privaten Umfeld professionelle Massagen durchführen zu können. Der Familie und Freunden eine Tief- Entspannung zu schenken, oder Angehörigen mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen, mit einer angepassten heilfördernde Massage behandelt werden können. Ein unschätzbarer Vorteil dieses Wissens, der Reflexologie, liegt darin, dass Sie diese Form der Unterstützung, Stärkung, Behandlung, oder Heilung auch an sich selbst durchführen können, jederzeit, wenn es ihnen danach ist. Während die Haedschen Zonen wissenschaftlich bewiesen sind, so wurde die Auswirkung der Reflexzonenmassage im medizinischen Mainstream bisher nicht belegt, leider genau so, wie in vielen naturmedizinischen Bereichen, auch teilweise unterdrückt wird. Die Physiotherapeutin Eunice Ingham-Stopfel entdeckte bei ihrer Arbeit mit Fitzgeralds Zonentherapie die Verbindungen von bestimmten Regionen auf der Fußsohle zu den Organen. Nach heutigem Wissen spiegelt sich der gesamte Organismus, inklusive Knochen und Sinnesorgane in unseren Handinnenflächen und Fußsohlen wieder. Dieses Wissen der genauen Druckpunke hat die Reflexzonenmassage bei natürlich alternativen Behandlungsformen zu einer ganzheitlichen Therapieform gemacht. Es können sowohl Krankheiten, welche die Organe betreffen, als auch Schmerzen, die häufig auf die verschiedenen Muskelgruppen zurückzuführen sind, gelindert oder sogar geheilt werden.

Website creation, design and hosting in German, English and Thai

Website creation, design and hosting in German, English and Thai

  • 05 Oct 2024 : 18:34 pm

Website Creation. We are a team that creates online presence for you at a very affordable cost, placing utmost importance on individualized contact with you and prioritizing and nurturing your preferences. This offers you two distinct advantages: cost-effectiveness and personalized support. This way, we can dedicate personal commitment and full dedication to you, something you should already be aware of! We stand by the services listed on this page and strive to ensure a clean and well-functioning web presence based on your desires, at Komplex.bplaced.net We create a personalized website for you. This is how we implement your ideas, content, and promotions with our expertise. We seamlessly integrate your desires into the design and provide you with additional tips and information for your new online marketing. Our websites come with a smartphone-optimized design at no additional cost. Over 70% of all users are already browsing on mobile devices today, so you will receive this benefit with our service as well. Website Maintenance! No high ongoing costs due to maintenance or future changes required. We respond to your requests and modify your content, pages, and images according to your preferences at affordable prices. Short Loading Times! As you know, slow websites can be really boring. We guarantee fast loading times for your website with a sleek performance that is also hosted on high-speed servers. Multimedia! Sure, looking for more features that set you apart from others? We bring your desires for media functions to life on your website, whether it's videos, music, image galleries, animations, spoken texts, music, and much more! Your Trademark, Identity Copyright! A website represents your business and leaves lasting memories and impressions on your customers. Because design is more than just choosing the right colors. We create targeted and agreed-upon layouts with your logo in the right place on your website. Domainname - Webspace! We create your internet domain address and the corresponding web space for your website, pages, and all content. We take care of the provisioning, select and create a personalized name in consultation with you as a top-level domain with associated storage space for your website.. Want to save money? No problem, we can help you with that too. Upon your request, we can create a free domain as a web address according to your preferences and connect it to free storage space on the internet. So, you won't have to pay rent for your website and save real money. Other Languages? If you need a different language on your website, we provide you with the option to select German, English, and Thai. Or would you like to use all of them together?Well, we arrange the translation for you, clone the entire pages, and present them in different languages. This way, visitors can choose their preferred language right at the entrance of your website. This increases your visitors and provides your website with a personalized and pleasant service. Specific Websites! Every website is different, and that's a good thing, and of course, tailored to each customer. Therefore, we only create custom websites, without standard templates. This way, we advise our customers to be able to provide the appropriate solution for each project. In principle, weplace great emphasis on a personal conversation, as far as this seems possible, to discuss and advise you on the important points. This is a clear advantage for you, as there is already a basic structure or layout from the beginning of the creation process, and there are no unnecessary misunderstandings later on. A clear goal at the outset allows for a swift processing of your web presence, which naturally proves beneficial for you. It's also possible to conduct this communication via email and phone if you are geographically distant. The respective contents will be sent via email, and any graphics and images, if already available, will be attached. Telephone discussions, including those over Skype, can be advantageous. You can see some excerpts on this website under the example further below, which can be accessed through a link reference. Perhaps there's an idea for your personal implementation among them. You can contact us regularly via email or phone. Of course, Skype, or Telegram is also an option if it constitutes a long-distance call for you and you'd like to save costs. However, for a voice call, we kindly ask you to schedule an appointment with us via email, or send us a message on our contact form, especially if you are in a different time zone. Our time zone is approximately 6-7 hours ahead of European time. We are located in Thailand and would be happy to arrange an appointment with you. We stand by the services listed on this page and strive to ensure a clean and well-functioning web presence according to your desires. You will likely search in vain for a comparable service that not only provides you with a website but also places it on free web hosting, and further connects it with a free domain address if necessary for you. You will likely struggle to find a comparable service that not only provides you with a website on a free web hosting space but also connects it with a free web address as a domain, if required. We cater to your needs, provide cost-effective alternatives, and never tie you down in any way with regards to your personal choices and independence regarding the products you receive from us. Of course, if you wish, we can host your entire website on a conventionally rented server on the internet, coupled with a rented domain name, for example, with extensions like com, org, net, or many others, at an annual cost of 30 to 40 euros as an example. In any case, whether rented or free, upon the completion of your website, we grant you full access to your internet presence and provide your complete web content in a zip file for download or personal handover, allowing you to view your website offline on your computer or smartphone. You can later modify it as needed, or have someone you know make changes, and then upload the altered version to your web space. Furthermore, we offer you the opportunity to utilize these options through a comprehensible and personalized introduction. If you are located in a different region or unable to meet with us in person, we will provide you with a personalized guide for download, containing all the necessary information. This way, you will be independent and in full control of your own websites. Naturally, we are also more than willing to take care of the complete maintenance of your online presence and will offer alternatives if the free service, should you choose to opt for it, might encounter issues in the future, potentially necessitating the transfer of your website to a different spot on the web. Additionally, we create your website in a server-independent manner, so you are not inherently tied to a specific server or location on the internet. Free hosting with a free domain: We are familiar with reliable providers in this sector. As a result, you generally have no specific restrictions or disadvantages to worry about. You, as the user, your acquaintances, or your customers won't notice any difference compared to a rented web space or domain. Rented hosting space and leased domain: Returning to the topic of rented hosting space and the typically associated domain, you won't face any limitations that might occur with a free hosting space with a domain. However, you will need to pay for this service annually. These payments are predominantly processed through credit cards, or in Germany, there's the option of a direct debit or similar. In our personal view, honesty and genuine assistance, fueled by wholehearted commitment and personal conversations, leading to a favorable outcome, are significantly more important than a generic and commercial solution that might be extravagantly advertised but could potentially overshadow individualized service, personal support, and a certain level of independence. For us, customer proximity is most importance! If the described possibilities and our dedication to fulfilling your personal wishes resonate with you, we would be delighted to collaborate on a project with you. Best regards, Komplex

Experiences mind healers, healing procedures - Geistheiler - Magie

Experiences mind healers, healing procedures - Geistheiler - Magie

  • 05 Oct 2024 : 18:34 pm

The dark and the bright side of the magic. Experiences with ghost,- mind healers, used healing procedures as PDF or MP3. Since man deals with the quantum technology more and more often things or behaviors found, albeit so far only partially detectable. This area can also be included in the concept of science border knowledge. In this publication, among other things, it is not about human forms of life, or also called spirits and their effects on humans, often in connection with the help of people who have extraordinary skills and establish such a contact as a so- called medium. Spiritual healing meetings and how people with the help of spirits come into contact. Both sides are shown, the dark side and the bright side of the so- called magic and their contracts between spirits and people on another level. In contrast to many other publications, we publish that exist from our own experiences! If you may have health problems that can not be clarified by the doctors, you may be affected, this publication on komplex.bplaced.net can help you to initiate a healing. The dark and bright side of magic. MP3 - 5,44 €uro - PDF - 8,66 €uro Note: PDF and MP3 comes in german language. Die dunkle und die helle Seite der Magie Erfahrungen mit Geistheilern, angewandte Heilverfahren als PDF oder MP3. Seit der Mensch sich mit der Quantentechnologie beschäftigt werden immer öfters Dinge oder Verhaltensweisen festgestellt, wenn auch bisher nur zum Teil erfassbar, welche sich mit unserem Wissen noch nicht erklären lassen. Dieser Bereich kann man auch in den Begriff der Grenzwissenschaften einbeziehen. In dieser Publikation geht es unter anderem um nicht menschliche Lebensformen, oder auch Geistwesen genannt und deren Einwirkungen auf uns Menschen, oft auch in Verbindung mit der Hilfe durch Menschen, welche aussergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten besitzen und einen solchen Kontakt als sogenanntes Medium etablieren können, um damit Gutes, oder eben Schlechtes zu tun. Es handelt sich dabei um sogenannte Geistheiler Sitzungen und in welcher Weise, Menschen mit Hilfe von Geistwesen, in Kontakt kommen. Dabei werden beide Seiten aufgezeigt, die dunkle Seite und die helle Seite der sogenannten Magie und deren Verträge zwischen Geistwesen und Menschen auf einer anderen Ebene. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Publikationen, veröffentlichen wir Erlebnisse, welche aus eigenen Erfahrungen bestehen! Vorkommnisse, die wir tatsächlich selbst erlebt haben, oder die zu unserem Leben gehören. Wenn Sie vielleicht gesundheitliche Probleme haben, welche von den Ärtzten nicht geklärt werden können, Sie eventuell betroffen sind, kann diese Publikation auf komplex.bplaced.net dazu beitragen, dass Sie eine Heilung einleiten können. Die Mächte die wir nicht sehen, die Mächte die wir nicht sehen dürfen, die dunkle und die helle Seite der Magie. MP3 - 5,44 €uro - PDF - 8,66 €uro In deutscher Sprache.